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5/12/2010 8:32 PM

I login to the site, Spacemanagementproducts.com, as user1 and then logout. I add an item to the cart and press checkout. The personal information of user1 appears even though I am logged out. Shouldn't this information be blank until I log in as user2 or log back in as user1? I was surprised to see the other person's personal information pre-populate the shipping information before login.

New Post
5/12/2010 9:38 PM

There is a cookie that is dropped that retrieves the shipping info. There are no cookie for the payment info. You are the second person that reported this item I think we will remove the code that sets the cookie in case people share the same computer saving the shipping cookie is not desirable.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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