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7/25/2011 11:21 AM


Previously the card was not truncating / munging the credit card numbers if the transaction failed. The latest version of the cart software truncates the credit card even on failed transactions - which is what we wanted. But now we have a bunch of previously/historical failed transactions still with full credit card numbers. The credit card numbers are encrypted in the DB (good) but we'd like to batch process these credit card numbers and truncate them.

Any shortcuts to this process versus manually updating the account numbers?

New Post
7/25/2011 3:00 PM
Hi Tony,
In order to do this you would have to write a program that loops thru all the records in the payhist table that you want to change and decrypts the cart number, truncates the card and then encrypts the truncated card and saves back to the payhist table. I believe you have the source code so you can cut and past the code that encrypts/decrypts the cards and use it in your program.

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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