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7/27/2011 1:10 PM

Hey guys

We have a very stylized fixed width skin which is based off a hand drawn site design.  When I go into the admin tools, most of the tools are showing grids that overflow the boundaries and it looks terrible.  For instance, the orders grid is easily 5" wider than the content bounds.


I tried to make an admin tools page based upon the stock entropy skins, but when I do, the buynow module assumes a new catalog.  How do you handle something like this?  I would love it if I could operate smith cart admin tools outside of the look and feel of my site.  ANy ideas?

New Post
7/27/2011 3:25 PM
Hi David,

Due to the amount of data and fields in the backend of the Cart a lot of the pages that display grids of data require a certain amount of space to display the all the information correctly.

As an alternative approach, you can make a copy of your skin, modify the Width to 100% to change with the size of the table and save it to the Host skin folder so you can apply the skin to the Admin screen.

New Post
7/27/2011 5:52 PM
Thanks Kevin

When in the cart maint mode, the edit functions of the portal go read only so I can't change the skin. Also, I believe the skin for the maint page is the same skin as the default store page, right, which would change that page? I found the same issue tonight with the cart view page, it is using the global edit skin and is missing some features. This is pretty challenging, I am about 3X over what I estimated for the customer.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSkin for admin toolsSkin for admin tools