HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartLimiting the Supported Credit CardsLimiting the Supported Credit Cards
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7/28/2011 1:56 PM

The SmithCart Manual says that supported cards are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners and JCB. My client does not want to accept American Express.  Is there a way to set the SmithCart up so that it does not take the American Express card?

New Post
7/28/2011 3:45 PM

Currently, the cart doesnt have a built in setting to limit the credit card types entered by the user on the step 2 checkout page that collects the payment info but if your merchant account is not setup to accept american express when the user clicks process payment on the cart confirmation page they will get a decline message and can hit the back button to go to step2 and change their credit card.

As an alternate solution, the following are a few options you could implement to limit the credit card type entered by the user:

  1. Add the credit card logos for the cards that you accept. And also a text message that states "We do not accept AMEX". You would add the logos and message to the step2.ascx file.
  2. Modify the step.ascx page and add a dropdown control with the credit card types.
  3. Modify the step.ascx page and add either an asp customvalidor control or javascript that validates the "txtAccountNumber" textbox where the user enters their credit card number. The javascript or regex validation would validate the first digit of the credit card number and require the user to enter a card that starts with either 4 (visa) or 5 (mastercard/discover) and not allow amex start with a 3

If you would like a quote to add a built feature to limit the credit card type the user can enter please send an email to sales@smith-consulting.com



Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartLimiting the Supported Credit CardsLimiting the Supported Credit Cards