HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmith Cart Checkout uses DNN Edit Mode pages?Smith Cart Checkout uses DNN Edit Mode pages?
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8/3/2011 10:32 AM
We notice some difficulty with our skin as SCart progresses through checkout. Specifically, modules marked to display on all pages in the footer disappear while on the checkout pages.

What is the status of SCart's pages? When does the workflow switch over to Edit Mode and back? Is there a technique you can suggest to make our skin display the global modules in edit mode as well? (Perhaps css selectors are colliding in Edit Mode?)

New Post
8/3/2011 12:35 PM
Hi Guy,

This is actually a bug/limitation in dnn when you redirect to another user control using the NavigateURL function dnn applies the admin skin instead of the portal skin even though all the pages in the checkout are view controls and not edit controls dnn still applies the admin skin. As a temporary solution you will need to set your portal and admin skin to the same skin temporarily if you want the same skin on the checkout pages. We are evaluating programmatic solutions for this one of which is to make the cart/checkout a separate module which will also allow you to only apply ssl to the cart checkout pages and not the product list page.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmith Cart Checkout uses DNN Edit Mode pages?Smith Cart Checkout uses DNN Edit Mode pages?