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8/30/2011 12:49 PM


Is there a way in the SmithCart version 3.8.0 (DNN5) to set a customer as taxable or non taxable?  I have been through the manual and only see options for product or state or rate. We need to be able to use a combination of setting the individual customer as taxable/nontaxable along with a product.

New Post
8/30/2011 2:54 PM


In Cart v.2.44.16 we added a Tax Exempt feature to the Product Setup screen. Enable this feature if you do not want to charge tax for the product.

Also, in Cart v.3.96 we added a Tax Exempt by Role feature. In the Cart Settings under Tax Setup section displays a list of dnn roles configured in your portal. The tax exempt dropdown in the settings allows you to select a role to make tax exempt. During checkout if the user is logged in and a member of the role you selected as tax exempt then no tax will be charged on the order including no tax on the shipping.

Not sure if you were thinking about it but I would recommend an upgrade as we release new versions of the cart frequently with bug fixes, security patches and new features which provides a level of protection for your ecommerce site.


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