HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartVarious bugs in Smith Shopping cart demo webSitesVarious bugs in Smith Shopping cart demo webSites
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9/14/2011 9:09 AM



I have encountered some errors in your demo sites:

Occured on your www7 demo site when clicking on the "ADD OPTIONS" button of the testVariant product. Encountered today (wednesday 14sept) at 17h (for eventual event log))

Note that I encountered a Input string was not in a correct format too, but I am not able to reproduce it.



Occured on your www12 demo site when clicking the View Cart button after having done some other actions (add to cart, clear cart, proceed to checkout step the return...).  Error encountered on Friday 9 sept.


I know these error are not detailed, as I have not found how to reproduce them with well-defined scenarii.


Moreover, note that the purchase simulation cannot be completed as it ask for a valid credit card number.

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9/14/2011 5:12 PM

Hi Rico,

There reason you were presented with an error on the www7 test site is because the Variant Groups which were set for the variants of the testVariant product had been removed by someone after setting them on the Add New Product Variants screen. As you can see from the screenshots below there are no Variant Groups setup which corresponding to the Variant Groups set for the product. I re-added the variant group and re-saved the variants with the Variant group and the error is not longer present.

In regards to the www12 site, I am unable to troubleshoot the issue without knowing the steps to produce. Can you login to our test site http://www7.smith-consulting.com/ and try to replicate the error. This will determine if the issue is with the latest version of the cart or an issue with your specific dnn portal/cart install. Please send an email to kevin@smith-consulting.com if you need a login.



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9/19/2011 4:26 AM

Hi Kevin.


I know the error can come from a configuration problem, but I think the "Object reference not set" message is not appropriated. This kind of error must be catched and a more friendly message must be displayed (like a 'Product variant configuration error' message). Moreover, this was to emphasis the fact that there are some errors that are not "correctly" catched (I know there always will be some uncatched errors but an appropriate message should be displayed for the most of them...).


As I stated in my last post, I cannot indicate the steps to reproduce the bug but I tought accessing the Event viewer page will give you more information about what happend.


At last, as already indicated, the purchase simulation cannot be completed as it ask for a valid credit card number (so the purchase test will never reach the confirmation order page).


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9/19/2011 1:11 PM
Hi Rico,

Without knowing the steps taken I cannot troubleshoot further. You are welcome to login to our test site http://www7.smith-consulting.com/ and try to replicate the error. This will determine if the issue is with the latest version of the cart or an issue with your specific dnn portal/cart install. Please send an email to kevin@smith-consulting.com if you need a login.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartVarious bugs in Smith Shopping cart demo webSitesVarious bugs in Smith Shopping cart demo webSites