HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartInput string was not in a correct formatInput string was not in a correct format
New Post
9/15/2011 11:11 PM

My DNN version is 5.6.2



I seem to be getting this quite a bit. It can happen when I load the page that contains the BuyNow module.

My SmithCart version is 4.58.0

New Post
9/16/2011 1:02 PM
Hi Paul,

Can you provide the steps that were taken to produce this issue?Do you have any other module installed on the same page? Is there anything logged in the Event Viewer?

New Post
9/18/2011 8:45 PM


It can vary. I can explain the scenarios:

  1. Just go to the page where the buynow module is
  2. Adding a product
  3. Editing the settings for the cart or store admin.

Keep in mind this is intermittent so it is a pain.

Futhermore, I'm running ASP.NET 4.0

New Post
9/19/2011 12:55 PM
Hi Paul,

Do you have any other module installed on the same page? Is there anything logged in the Event Viewer?

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartInput string was not in a correct formatInput string was not in a correct format