I'm using the smith cart version 4.57.0
MSSQL 2008 on PowerDNN
DNN 5.6.1
Issue: When the submit order button is pressed at the Confirmation stage, the screen refreshes and there are no errors to the user. This happened after the 4.57.0 upgrade, if that helps. But I've been upgrading just about every install after that. I've made no changes to the ASCX files.
These are the 2 errors that show in the event viewer:
Error: : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Server Name: GENERIC96
Stacktrace: : at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.AddStoreOrder(Int32 PayHistID, String orderStatus) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.ProcessStatus(PaymentStatusInfo status) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.Submit() at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Server Name: GENERIC96