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10/12/2011 4:33 PM

I was wondering how your shopping cart handles subscriptions? I have been trying to set up a subscription for a product and the instructions seem unclear.

1. How do you set up subscriptions?

2. Can subscriptions be done if you are not using the gateways like Authorize? I am presently using Innovative.



New Post
10/13/2011 1:45 PM
Hi Bill,

To accurately address your questions, which version of the Cart are you currently running? which gateway do you have set?

New Post
10/13/2011 3:54 PM

Presently I am using V 4.52.0 but will be updating to the latest soon. I am using Innovative Gateway. I understand I cannot do recurring payments for subscriptions with this gateway and you have quoted me on adding this feature - for Innovative to be able to do recurring subscriptions.

I see where it gets set up in the Product Admin but I have a few questions:

1. Can it be set that the customer can choose whether they want recurring payments? So they can have the option?

2. The day and month of the recurring payment can be set, but can it operate and recurr on the date they subscribe on instead of the day I set?

3. When the cart updates the Role, I will have 2 payments which I have set - monthly and annual - they both update the same Role but for a different length of time. Since they update the same Role, how is the best way to set it up?

4. Based on the prior question, Can that Role (Subscription) be purchased more than once? So if they purchase a monthly, can they then purchase a second one for an annual subscription and then have a duplicate Role? My customer will receive special bonuses based on their Role and if the Role is duplicated then they will receive double credit.



New Post
10/18/2011 4:24 PM
Hi Bill,

I do not see that the Innovative recurring billing project has been moved into development on our programmers' project list, do you wish to move forward with this project?

1. Currently the ability to choose between a one-time purchase or recurring billing option is set by the Store Admin. If you would like to provide the customer with the ability to choose between a one-time billing option and a recurring option for a product, the best way would be to create a second product which is identical with the exception of the recurring billing setup.

2. The Recurring Billing start Date which can be configured in the Product Setup screen was programmed to provide the ability to set a future date for recurring billing to start the occurrences so whichever interval you choose will recur on the interval starting with the Start Date configured for the Product.

3. When you say that you have "2 payments you have set monthly and annual" are you referring to 2 separate products with different recurring billing occurrence intervals and Role Expiration periods? If so, in my testing I have noted that if 2 separate products add to the same Role the Expiration days will be added on top of the already existing expiration date.

4. the same logic as above applies to this question. If the user purchases the same product more than once, a duplicate role will not be created, and the role expiration days will be added together.

New Post
11/4/2011 11:58 AM

1. I will likely be going ahead with the Innovative interface for recurring payments soon.

2. Do you forsee allowing "Product Variants" being able to update "Roles"? My issue is that if I set a variant it will update the role with no problem, but if I offer "Annual Role = 365 days" and "Monthly Roles = 30 days" the variant will only update and update the one role set in the product and not the Variant. Future Plans??



New Post
11/5/2011 12:32 AM

Hi Bill,

Currently , we do not have the ability to add or updates roles at the variant level on the Dev Roadmap. If you would like to prioritize, add, or receive a quote to develop this enhancement to move it into programming, please do one of the following:
Submit a quote request here http://www.smith-consulting.com/servi...
Email sales@smith-consulting.com


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