HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartDescription tabs not clickable in Chrome or FireFoxDescription tabs not clickable in Chrome or FireFox
New Post
10/18/2011 9:51 AM

Hi - I'm using Cart 4.6 and DNN 6.0.2 and the product discrption tabs aren't clickable in Chrome or Firefox. They work fine in IE though. Is there a piece of code I need to make this work?

Thanks, Dee

New Post
10/18/2011 6:01 PM

Hi Dee,

I just tried to re-produce this issue on my test portal and was unable to reproduce the tab issue you described above, but I may not have the exact same configuration as you. Can you login to our test site http://www21.smith-consulting.com/ and try to replicate the error. This will determine if the issue is with the latest version of the cart or an issue with your specific dnn portal/cart install.

Please email me at kevin@smith-consulting.com if you need login credentials.


New Post
10/18/2011 9:45 PM

Kevin - seems as though there was an empty HTML module overlaying the description tabs area causing it to not allow the tabs to be clickable. Once I removed it everything worked fine.

Thanks, Dee

New Post
10/19/2011 12:45 PM
Hi Dee,

Great, thank you for posting back with an update that the issue you were experiencing has been resolved.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartDescription tabs not clickable in Chrome or FireFoxDescription tabs not clickable in Chrome or FireFox