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11/29/2011 2:00 PM


We are considering buying your shopping cart product and I was wondering if there was an automated way that we can upload product data.  I know that there is an upload spreadsheet functionality in the product, but is there a way to schedule an upload so that we can show product quantities through out the day?



Jim Piller

New Post
11/29/2011 9:17 PM

Hi Jim,

Currently the Cart supports an automated export orders feature and in the next release we have added an automated product variant inventory import scheduler. An automated product import feature is not currently supported however, if you would like to be provided with a fixed quote to develop this feature enhancement please send an email with a link to this forum post to sales@smith-consulting.com. This should be a relatively straightforward enhancement and we quote all feature enhancements below cost since it is enhancing the module.


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