HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartonly importing first 43 items...only importing first 43 items...
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1/4/2012 1:44 PM

I have a 426 item XLS file that I am trying to import. Only the first 43 are importing. I get an "import successful" message...no errors. I looked at line 44 of my XLS...nothing noteably different. Any ideas out there?  My XLS is attached.



UPDATE: I just created a new XLS file starting with item number 44 on the list. It imported 44 through 87. So it looks like the import is stopping around 40 items. Urrg.

UPDATE: Empty rows were the culprit. The client had separated each grouping on products with a blank row. Took all those out and voila! All items imported.



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HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartonly importing first 43 items...only importing first 43 items...