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3/27/2012 1:43 AM

Hi there

I have two questions about the Category section of the Smith Cart.

1. Is it possible to only make the second level of each category clickable to a product list? The reason Im asking is that the products are linked to a 2nd tier category only, so clicking on the root category will not display any products. I can always load the root category to the category_products table if this is not possible.


2. When you click on a category it goes to the product/buy now page, with the following link: ../tabid/55/categoryid/2/Default.aspx

I want to create a custom module on my buy now page that will display the top n amount top sellers for that category, how would I go about getting that categoryid=2 in my custom module? I can't use a request.querystring so how would I get that value in my module?

Just started with DNN and this cart is awesome, once I can configure all these small issues we will be buying the cart. I just need to see if we can do it all with Smith-Cart.

Thank you


[EDIT]Ok, so its as easy as just doing a plain reqeust.querystring("categoryid"), so I now I can populate my custom module with the selected category. Now I just need to sort out why the Smith.Search module is coming up with empty results each time

New Post
3/28/2012 4:32 PM

1. Currently the ability to disable a Parent Category from being clickable is currently not supported. If you have budget allotted in your project and would like to be provided with a fixed quote to sponsor a portion of the development of this ability let us know. We quote all feature enhancements below cost since it is enhancing the module and in most cases we can start work within a week

2. Thanks for the update glad you found the solution.

Regarding your trouble with the SmithSearch module, which version of the Cart and DNN are you currently running?


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