HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShow total price for bundle not just primary?Show total price for bundle not just primary?
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4/2/2012 1:06 PM

I have a product that requires tax on the physical item included with a service. I can't figure out how to show the total price on the service and still be able to charge tax on the physical item. I've setup a bundle with the service as the primary product and the physical item as the secondary, but if I include the price of the physical item in the service price to get the right display, I end up with a higher total because the sub-SKU is added in at cart time. Suggestions?

New Post
4/3/2012 5:14 PM
Hi Kim,

Which version of the Cart and DNN are you currently running?

I'm sorry but I do not quite follow what it is you wish to accomplish.

Is the service you are referring to a separate Product or a Variant of a Product?

Do the rest of the product in your store require tax to be charged?

New Post
4/3/2012 5:38 PM

Hi Kevin:

We are running DNN 6.01.04/SmithCart 4.93.0.

Our client bundles hardware with some of their services. They only sell the hardware in a bundle, never as a standalone. They have to collect tax on the hardware, but the service is tax-exempt. 

So my existing setup has both the hardware and the service set up as products. The hardware is defined as a bundled product for the service, and is priced separately for the tax calcuation. If I select the "use primary product price and weight", the cost of the hardware is excluded, as is the tax. 

The issue is that the service needs to show a total price which includes the hardware cost on the catalog entry. 




New Post
4/5/2012 5:04 PM
Hi Kim,

In the Product Setup of the service product you are offering, you can enable the "Tax Exempt" setting which will not charge Tax for that specific product during checkout. I believe there may have been an issue with this setting in the version of the Cart which you are currently running however the resolution will be included in the next release of the Cart v.4.97.

New Post
4/6/2012 8:29 AM

Hi Kevin. I do have Tax Exempt set for the primary product. The problem is how to show a total price that includes the secondary, and only charges tax on the secondary. Specific example:

Total cost of service is $249. This includes the price of the hardware, which is $120.

Both the service and the hardware are defined as products. I then bundle them with the service as the primary.

Service is set to tax exempt. Product is set to tax. Service is priced as 249. Product is priced at 120. I get the tax calculated correctly on the 120, but end up with a total price of $369 in the cart. 

Perhaps this is not the right approach to this problem. Other suggestions?

New Post
4/9/2012 12:53 PM

Hi Kim,

What is the Unit Cost for your Service Product?

If I understand you correctly, if the total price of the Bundle is $249 and the cost of the Hardware is 120, then your Service product should have a Unit Cost of $129 correct? So that when the Prices are added together during checkout they will add up to $249.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShow total price for bundle not just primary?Show total price for bundle not just primary?