HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartImage Galley Effects and Product VariantsImage Galley Effects and Product Variants
New Post
4/30/2012 3:50 PM


I am building a webstore with SmithCart version 4.93, and I am attempting to have a product with multiple images and multiple variants.

If I add multiple images to a product, they display properly when I first load the product details page. I am able to use the lightbox and zoom features and switch between images. However, If I add a variant for that same product, select that variant, and then attempt to use the hover or lightbox effect, they are not active. Even though I have specified a hover image as well as a main image for my varient, I get no effects.

Is this a bug, or a setting I am missing?


Thanks - Alex

New Post
4/30/2012 4:09 PM

The test example I have created can be found at...

I have added a product with multiple variants and images called alltest.

Select a variant, then try to get the hover effect to show.

New Post
5/3/2012 7:24 PM

Hi Alex,

You should find the thread found at the following link useful for resolving this issue. We will be correcting this issue in the next release of the Cart.



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartImage Galley Effects and Product VariantsImage Galley Effects and Product Variants