HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartChanging "Maximum Order Quantity" messagebox textChanging "Maximum Order Quantity" messagebox text
New Post
7/25/2012 6:25 PM
When I have set an item to have a "maximum order quantity" of 1, a nice message box appears to the user when they try to order more than one one product.


How would I go about customizing this text?
New Post
7/26/2012 8:05 PM
Hi Sam,

All the labels on the front end of the Cart can be changed by modifying the resx file associated with the page. Resx files are located in the \desktopnmodules\[module name]\app_localresources.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartChanging "Maximum Order Quantity" messagebox textChanging "Maximum Order Quantity" messagebox text