HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSpecial Instructions... can this be put in an email template?Special Instructions... can this be put in an email template?
New Post
8/10/2012 10:22 AM

In the order detail  "special instructions"  text box we like to specify certain things about the order...

that info does not not transfer over when we send it to the customer via email? Is there a way to have this happen?

New Post
8/15/2012 6:59 PM

Which version of the Cart and DNN are you currently running?

Have you added the Special Instructions email token to your User Confirmation Email Template?

New Post
8/16/2012 6:40 AM
Smith Cart 5.0 - What is that token? Can you confirm the correct syntax?

I found it... Sorry about that - [SPECIALINSTRUCTIONS]
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSpecial Instructions... can this be put in an email template?Special Instructions... can this be put in an email template?