HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to Change Orders grid - Product description columnHow to Change Orders grid - Product description column
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9/4/2012 7:13 AM

I have configured Color and Size as two variants for my Product then I selected a product and did checkout. Now, I am in the Cart page, in the orders grid the product description is displayed as " Test Product, Color=Red, Size=Large". Can you please suggest me how to remove those "=" characters or replace them with semicolon ":" in the product description.

New Post
9/6/2012 7:08 PM
Hi Swetha,

The ability to to remove the "=" characters or replace them with semicolons ":" to the product description on the Cart page is currently not supported. If you have budget in your project and would like to be provided with a fixed quote to sponsor a portion of the programming to make this change, please submit a quote request at the following link: https://www.smith-consulting.com/serv...

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to Change Orders grid - Product description columnHow to Change Orders grid - Product description column