HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartrefresh manufacturer and category sessionsrefresh manufacturer and category sessions
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4/24/2013 5:38 AM
I have a Smith.ManufacturerMenu and Smith.CategoryMenu displayed on every pages. If I select a manufacturer then a category and I go to an other page then back to the BuyNow Page then my previous selections remain active. How can I deselect these options or start fresh BuyNow page?
New Post
4/25/2013 7:06 PM

The Category menu was programmed to persist the user's last selection. A solution for you may be to addan "ALL" Category and add all of your Products to that Category which will give you the option to display all products after making a category selection.

Hope this helps!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartrefresh manufacturer and category sessionsrefresh manufacturer and category sessions