HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartError with Additional PhotoError with Additional Photo
New Post
8/14/2013 5:46 AM
Hello. Here is what I am working with.....

DNN version 5.6.7
Smith Cart version 3.99

When I add a product things are fine, but when I add an additional photo and try to click on the product in the store, I get this error:

A critical error has occurred.
The EnablePartialRendering property cannot be changed after the Init event.

When I go back in and remove the image the product is fine again.

Any suggestions or ideas?
New Post
8/16/2013 5:03 PM
Hi Mike,

The current version of the cart is 5.57 so I'm not able to test this on the older version you are running but on my test portal.

It's possible that this may have been resolved in a later release or that it is an issue specific to your portal.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartError with Additional PhotoError with Additional Photo