HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartUpdate QuantityUpdate Quantity
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10/7/2013 5:17 AM
In the shopping cart, I want to remove the button that allows customers to "Update Quantity." I have looked throughout
Admin -> Languages -> Static Resources -> Site -> Local Resources -> DesktopModules -> Smith.BuyNow ( or Smith.ProductDetail ) but can't find it. I've also looked in cart setup and can't find it. Where can I go to remove that button?
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10/7/2013 2:10 PM
Hi Armando,

There isn't currently a setting that hides the Update Quantity button however you can modify the Cart.ascx file located in \DesktopModule\Smith.BuyNow and set the buttons display property to false.

Let us know if you and questions.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartUpdate QuantityUpdate Quantity