HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartChanging skin questionChanging skin question
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10/31/2013 5:37 AM
DNN 7.0.6  Smith Cart 5.65
I have installed a new skin to my site and set the buy now module and my product details page to use the skin successfully. However, all of the associated pages, cart, checkout, admin, etc. continue to use the old skin. I have cleared the cache and restarted the application to no avail.
What am I missing? How do I get the skin applied to all the modules.
Let me be more specific:
The buy now module was added to an existing site using the site skin. We had some layout issues which required we create a new skin which was a modification of the existing site skin for the store only. The skin was uploaded and the skin was applied to the two pages containing the modules as noted above, with the results as noted above.
New Post
11/1/2013 1:41 PM
Hi Rick,

Please make sure the skin is selected to be applied as the Site Skin, Edit Skin, and Page Skin.

Please let me know if this helps. Thanks!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartChanging skin questionChanging skin question