HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCoupons / Discount BUGCoupons / Discount BUG
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8/27/2014 8:58 AM
Go to cart screen, apply coupon and then continue shopping, when you return to the cart it still shows original discount but if you checkout it does not apply this. It also does not update the coupon if new products were added to the cart. So two things happen, the shown discount is not correct if new items were added to cart, the discount does not hold if you checkout, but the user would not know to reenter coupon if they leave cart screen.

One of two things needs to be fixed. If user leaves cart after entering coupon, when they return the coupon should still be applied and reflect the correct discount


User leaves cart after entering coupon, when they return their should not be a value in the "Discount" are above the sub total, it shoudl be $.0.00 so at least the user will reenter coupon.

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8/27/2014 4:55 PM
Hi Dustin,

I would be happy to look into this for you. Please let me know the following:

Which version of the Cart are you currently running?

Are you using the Single Page Checkout option?

What type of Coupon are you using; Amount, Percentage. Product Level, Order Level?

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8/28/2014 8:21 AM
Version 6.5, DNN 7.3

No Single page checkout, but tried that same issue. Tried various coupons, but were trying to use Percentage. 50% off entire order.

See screenshots. One is after I initially added first product to cart, added coupon. Second is after I left cart, added second product and when i land back on the page, the initial discount is shown, HOWEVER, if you were to proceed now and not reenter the coupon when you checked out you would not get any discount. If you hit the update quantity button, it resets the discount to 0 as I think its intended to do and force the user to reenter coupon if they added additional products or left the cart after first entering it.

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8/30/2014 3:20 AM
Hi Dustin,

I set up a 50% Coupon on our test site which is running v6.72 of the Cart and the discount is cleared when adding an additional Product and was also applied correctly to the order when proceeding thru checkout. I do not see a Bug Fix listed in our Change Log so there's a chance this has been inadvertently fixed in a recent release. That being said, an upgrade to Cart 6.72 should resolve this issue for you.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCoupons / Discount BUGCoupons / Discount BUG