HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSaving CVV2 for Offline ProcessingSaving CVV2 for Offline Processing
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2/9/2015 8:52 AM
Our customer wants to process the credit card offline.  We have set the Gateway to Manual and checked "Save Card Security Code" (see attached image).  However when going into the order, the security code is blank.  I have seen in the database that the CVV field is present and filled in but it appears encrypted.  Is there a way to reverse the encryption for offline processing?
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2/9/2015 3:03 PM
Hi Kevin,

It's actually against PCI compliance to display the CVV number on a user facing screen. We can assist you with writing a program to decrypt the code but can't give it out publicaly for security reasons. Please submit a Help Desk ticket at the following link and we will help you out: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Support/HelpDesk.aspx

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSaving CVV2 for Offline ProcessingSaving CVV2 for Offline Processing