HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartConditional Variant - Color Picker?Conditional Variant - Color Picker?
New Post
10/6/2015 7:51 AM
Is it possible to add a color picker as a control for a variant? I have a situation where a customer can choose ANY color, and I would like to save the HEX color code into the order selection. While I could add a textbox for them to enter the color in, it would require giving them instructions on how to find such a code. It would be easier to just have a simple color-picker control.

Is this possible?

New Post
10/7/2015 9:20 PM
Hi Ben,

The ability to display a color-picker control isn't supported however using the Variant Icons\Swatches Display Type you can give your customers the ability to select from a range of color Swatch Icons to choose a color. Please see the Kb article at the following link for configuration instructions: http://helpdesk.smith-consulting.com/...

If you would like the ability to choose any color from a palette and saved the HEX code chosen the Variant Display Type code would need to be enhanced add a color picker option. If you would like a quote to add this please submit a Quote Request at the following link: http://www.smith-consulting.com/servi...

Let me know if you have any questions.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartConditional Variant - Color Picker?Conditional Variant - Color Picker?