HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartDeleted product still being purchased?Deleted product still being purchased?
New Post
3/6/2016 4:16 PM
Running DNN 7.00.06
SC 4.57.0
MS SQL 2012

I have this running for a client . They went into the store admin quite a while ago and deleted a product but they are still receiving orders for it. I investigated how this could be possible as the product is not listed in the catalog. I discovered that when I google the product it still shows up in the search results so I clicked on the link and landed on the store product details page for the deleted product? From there I was able to add the product to the cart. Not cool.

I logged in as host and clicked the edit product button on the product details page which took me to the edit product page. The product is deactivated (so that doesn't work either). I then set the quantity available to 0 and can still buy the product. How is this possible? Is this a bug that has been in the site all along?
New Post
3/7/2016 12:59 AM
Accepted Answer 
Hi Andrew,

The Deleted/Deactivated Product being still able to be navigated to the product details page and purchased was a bug that was resolved in the release of version 5.45 back on 4/1/2013.

Setting the Quantity on Hand to zero will only prevent a user from purchasing if Inventory Management is enabled in your Store Settings. Please see the "Inventory Management" section in the KB article at the following link for more info: http://helpdesk.smith-consulting.com/...

I recommend upgrading to the latest version of the Cart to take advantage of all the enhancements and bug fixes listed in our Change Log at the following link: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Produ...

Let me know if I can help with anything else!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartDeleted product still being purchased?Deleted product still being purchased?