HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCategory menu, featured items, main storeCategory menu, featured items, main store
New Post
8/9/2010 9:31 AM

So, if I wanted to set up a couple of pages, one with "Featured items" and the category list down the left side, and another with the "Main store" and the featured items down the left side, could that be done?

In other words, I want my first page to have my "Featured items" on it, but also have the list of categories. If someone clicked on a category, I would like it to open that category in the "Main store" page....

Any thoughts on how to do this, or if it can be done?

I can't even get the Category module to show the information on two separate pages. lol.

Thanks in advance. :)

New Post
8/9/2010 9:33 AM

Well, I ansered my own question... putting the name of the page in the "Buy Now Page Name" at the bottom of the category setup put my categories in. :)

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCategory menu, featured items, main storeCategory menu, featured items, main store