HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartQuestion re MyGate EnterpriseQuestion re MyGate Enterprise
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8/25/2010 7:44 AM


I have a client that is using MyGate Enterprise as their gateway - I have just seen that I can now select MyGate, MyGate Enterprise, or MyGate Virtual ...

I selected MyGate Enterprise, and I am now asked for 3 things, viz. Merchant UID, Application UID and Gateway ID

What is the GatewayID? I have been given the merchant and application uids, but no Gateway ID?

From what I can see in the MyGate Enterprise integration document from MyGate, I should need a 3rd variable for the 3D secure - is this what the Gateway ID field is for?

Pls advise asap.

Thanks :)

EDIT : Gateway ID is for the aquiring bank - it is not mentioned in the general setup info, but is mentioned in the errorcodes section - sorry I missed this.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartQuestion re MyGate EnterpriseQuestion re MyGate Enterprise