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8/31/2010 8:23 PM

Dear Smith Consulting:

Is it possible to display a picture for the category chosen? Imagine two categories: dogs and cats. My client wants to display on the left of the page a large image of a dog (a generic dog) and on the right all the pictures of individual dogs for sale. Then when the link for the cats category is clicked, display a large (generic) image of a cat with the cats for sale on the right.

In the DNN navigation control there is a breadcrumb concept that I can hook into for css control. Is there a similar idea for the category menu?



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8/31/2010 9:27 PM

Category images are not currently built into the cart so you cant display category images in the category menu module. An alternate solution is for you to use an html module and add your images and create hyperlinks that link to the page with your buynow module on it and pass the categoryid in the querystring to filter the products by category. Here is an example of a customer site that has implemented what you want http://www.qsnuts.com/Shop.aspx

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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