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9/7/2010 6:27 AM


How can I create the States from my country to use the option "Charge Tax in Taxable States List"?

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9/7/2010 7:25 AM

Do you mean for areas outside of the US or Canada?

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9/7/2010 7:47 AM

Yes, I do.

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9/7/2010 8:40 AM

I am not sure if there is a way to edit it from within the cart, however the table Smith_State is the one that you are looking for.

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9/7/2010 11:07 AM
Accepted Answer 

Right now the taxable state list is using the smith_state table and is only programmed for US and Canada. If you send me your country and states I will see about getting that added to the states list.

You could also try using the tax table option for charging tax. In the cart settings if you select the "Use Tax Tables" option then the cart will lookup the tax rate in the tax table called "smith_tax" that has all the tax rates by country, state, county, city. The easiest way to populate the “Smith_Tax” table is to go into SQL Management Studio and right click the smith_tax table and click "import" and follow the wizard.


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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