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9/25/2010 7:53 AM

Is there some way of showing a breadcrumb of where the visitor currently resides in categories? For instance if they are in DAIRY => CHEESE it would show this as a breadcrumb on the page, allowing them to easily see where they are, and go back a level if needed?


New Post
9/25/2010 2:21 PM

There is no breadcrumb implemented in the cart right now but it is something that we are looking at adding in the near future. An alternate solution that would let the user know where they currently are in the category tree is to add CSS styles to the treeview control in the category menu module that highlights the current category selected. Please see the following forum post that describes how to add the styles:


At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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