We have a cart for a client that has the following set up...
Bill Me Later payment (only option)
Free Shipping (no taxes, etc.)
Manual Gateway Setup
FedEx carrier
I am not sure if the above will affect my question or not but when you go to the details page of an order and change the status of it to being shipped, as well as put in and order tracking number, the shipping/shipped e-mail looks the way I want to and e-mails properly with the order tracking number, but I have no idea how to track it. Let me know if you need more information. Thanks for any help and insight!
Below is a shipping e-mail confirmation example...
Your order 39 has been shipped. Your order was shipped on 10/12/2010 using your preferred shipping method, Free. To track your order use the following tracking number: 5004569018948498.
Order ID: 39
Order Date: 10/12/2010 2:12:40 PM
Shipping Information:
----- (Name)
----- (Address)
----- (Address)
----- (Address)
----- (Address)
Billing Information:
----- (Name)
----- (Address)
----- (Address)
----- (Address)
----- (Address)
Product Name Quantity Price
Dew Rag 1.00 $4.00
SubTotal: $4.00
Discount: -$0.00
Shipping: $0.00
Handling: $0.00
Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $4.00