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2/14/2010 6:58 PM

I'm trying to figure out how to take advantage of the "featured" checkbox for products. Seems like it doesn't have any effect on anything when I have it toggled on? I'd like to be able to display featured products on a separate page - possible?


Ken Robbins http://macoundesign.com
New Post
2/14/2010 7:16 PM
Accepted Answer 

Currently the featured flag is not utilized in the front end cart. This week we will be releasing cart version 2.58 that has a new featured products module that utilizes the featured products flag to display featured products. Please send an email to sales@smithcart.com if you are interested in receiving the new version.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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