HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFree serial numbers exposed, unpurchased inventory depletedFree serial numbers exposed, unpurchased inventory depleted
New Post
11/8/2010 1:49 PM


This is quite a major issue... Again, after installing 3.90, I see that customers can gain access to the serial number database for free, and get as many serial numbers as they want for download products. All you have to do is add a download product with serial numbers to your cart, put in bad credit card data, or select the PayPal option, go to the PayPal page, and hit back, and the cart summary starts listing all your serial numbers.... I got over 10 numbers to show there! Plus there are these issues: When there are no serial numbers left, the system will still let you purchase the product.

Also, during the same type of test, inventory for a product is depleted. So if you keep opening the PayPal screen, your inventory is depleted even though there is no sale.

I really hope you all can get this fixed as soon as possible.... As it is now, download carts can have product serial numbers exposed without a purchase.

To solve this, I would think simply checking to make sure there are serial numbers available, and inventory available, should be fine BEFORE the purchase, then after a SUCCESS only, do you grab the serial number, or deplete inventory.

Is the above being looked at? We are in a hold and can't sell any download products until this is fixed.

Let me know if I should email anyone with additional info, or a test link to our cart.


New Post
11/10/2010 12:42 PM

I have sent this into programming so its on the list to review and patch depending on what we find. Programming has about a week backlog of work so the earliest possible date for a hotfix to be released for the serial number issue you reported is middle of next week. Thanks for reporting the issue!


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
1/27/2011 10:17 PM

The issue of serial numbers be assigned on declined orders has been fixed and is being released in version cart v4.0 tomorrow end of day.


At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFree serial numbers exposed, unpurchased inventory depletedFree serial numbers exposed, unpurchased inventory depleted