HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCategory menu link does not return correct resultsCategory menu link does not return correct results
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12/6/2010 9:21 AM

Hi everybody. I really need a solution on URGENT basis since I have already missed two deadlines. Your help will be highly appreciated.

My buy now module and category menu are both on my homepage. When I select the category from the drop down menu from the search that comes with the buy now module, it returns the correct results. But when I click on a link in the category menu, it just returns the all the products I have. If the fix involves configuring the friendly URL or something, I have no idea what a tabid is or what values I should put for adding a friendly URL. Say my category menu resides on www.xxx.com/home.ascx, what would be the values for "Match" and "Replace with"?

If the problem is because of wrong category and subcategory creation, I need to know about how the query works when a product is added, since I have 1700 products on my site now. Say I have a category X and its subcategory Y. In the Smith_Category table, category ID of X is 1 and Y is 2. Parent of X is 0 and Y is 1. If I have a product P under category Y, what would be the categoryId values in the tables Smith_CategoryProduct and Smith_Products? Does a new product addition affect any other table? Also, I added a new product today, and selected one of the subcategories as its category and not a root category. But later when I checked out the Smith_Products table, the CategoryId was empty.

What would be the fastest solution for me now? I have an excel file with 1700 products but they don't have any data in the category and subcategory columns. If I delete all my categories and subcategories and products, put values in the category and subcategory columns in the excel file, and import products with this excel file, will the categories and subcategories get created automatically?

I know it's a really long post, but I really appreciate you help. Thanks in advance.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCategory menu link does not return correct resultsCategory menu link does not return correct results