HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartIs there a way to track coupon usage?Is there a way to track coupon usage?
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12/28/2010 4:29 PM

I have set up several different coupon codes, which allows me to see which marketing campaign is working.

I can't figure out how to track which sales come from which coupon codes. Is this possible?

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12/28/2010 5:21 PM

The cart doesnt have a built in report to track coupon usage but the coupon code is saved in the orders table and you could write a report to track coupon usage or if you would like us to develop a custom report you can send an email to sales@smith-consulting.com with your quote request.


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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12/28/2010 7:47 PM

I checked out the orders table and saw the CouponID field, however it lists 0, which means no coupon code was used. It does have the coupon discount listed, but the code is not assigned correctly. Please note that I chose a % discount, not a flat $ discount.

I am not sure why coupon would be at the order level since it can be assigned at the product level. Is it impossible to apply two coupons to an order?

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartIs there a way to track coupon usage?Is there a way to track coupon usage?