HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFYI v4.21 Upgrade (Staging/Testing) - Themes do not work and all buttons are tiny and silverFYI v4.21 Upgrade (Staging/Testing) - Themes do not work and all buttons are tiny and silver
New Post
3/3/2011 8:45 PM

This is a DNN issue when using canonical portal aliases in multiple (dev/testing/staging/production) environments.

On my staging server, I loaded an exact copy of a production site using localhost. When SmithCart was upgraded locally, I noticed all the buttons were tiny and grey and changing the themes did not work. Looking at the source HTML, I realized that DNN was referring to the production server instead of localhost as intended.


Select Admin|Site Settings|Advanced|Portal Aliases and adjust the canonical portal alias to localhost (or your configured portal alias).

SmithCart works as expected under these specific conditions.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFYI v4.21 Upgrade (Staging/Testing) - Themes do not work and all buttons are tiny and silverFYI v4.21 Upgrade (Staging/Testing) - Themes do not work and all buttons are tiny and silver