HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartv4.24 Category Modulev4.24 Category Module
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3/20/2011 8:54 AM
Using the category module with product list and product details there are a few problems.

1. Previously reported in v4.21, no matter what category was selected, click thumbnail to product details then continue shopping. The product list always shows the top category. This also happens in mini cart by clicking view cart then continue shopping.

2. Click on a subcategory, then click on a thumbnail then click on the same subcategory keeps you on product details. Clicking on a different subcategory takes you back to the product list as expected.

3. Clicking a subcategory then thumbnail, causes the primary category to be selected. This is difficult to repro but it does happen. Clicking on continue shopping seems to cause (or correct) this problem.

These were tough to find because the behaviour changes upon being logged in or not.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartv4.24 Category Modulev4.24 Category Module