HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHELP with SSL!!!HELP with SSL!!!
New Post
4/13/2011 4:37 PM

I have installed the ssl certificate and gone through the admin settings as enumerated on this forum for Smith Cart. Those instructions said to then go to an individual page and set the page to Secure (via advanced settings). This was confusing since I just wanted the credit card (step 2) of the Smith Cart to be secure - the instructions weren't clear about how to make sure that happened, since that one page isn't a page but part of the whole module.

Anyway, I went to my Online Store page that had the product listing and edited the setting to make the page secure. Now I am getting an error message when I try to go to the page to either view it or edit it - so I can't even get to it to un-do that setting.

The error I get is "cannot display the page" (ie) and "connection was interrupted" (firefox)


New Post
4/13/2011 4:55 PM
What version of DNN are you running?. In some earlier versions of DNN their were ssl bugs:


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
4/13/2011 4:59 PM

The Credit Card step is part of the BuyNow Module and can not be separated by steps. At lease we have never been able to do that. So the page that the BuyNow module is on needs to be secured.  Another issue that can arise deals with firewalls. Once you secure the page you are no longer accessing the page on port 80. make sure you are allowing access though port 443 for https traffic.

Hope that helps...

New Post
4/15/2011 1:46 PM
This issue has been resloved. For additional information see this post:
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHELP with SSL!!!HELP with SSL!!!