HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartI canI can't add Email Template on Cart V:4.38 Dnn: 5.6.2
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7/5/2011 9:05 AM


I'm using Dnn 5.6.2 and Cart Version: 4.38

David Amm


I've been struckling to add a email template when i click on add new template and click on admin template and click submitt it gives me this error message bellow.

Please advice


A critical error has occurred.
The stored procedure 'dbo.Smith_AddEmailTemplateSC' doesn't exist.
New Post
7/5/2011 9:55 PM

Hi David,

I just tried to re-produce this error on my test portal and was unable to recreate the error but I may not have the exact same configuration as you. Can you login to our test site and try to replicate the error. This will determine if the issue is with the latest version of the cart or an issue with your specific dnn portal/cart install.

Please send an email to support@smith-consulting.com if you need a login.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartI canI can't add Email Template on Cart V:4.38 Dnn: 5.6.2