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New Post
10/28/2009 9:03 AM

I am curious if the cart will allow for adding two additional text fields that can be required or not? My goal is to have a product that can be purchased by a single payer for multiple individuals. I want to require (or not) the buyer to enter the user name and e-mail address for each item to differentiate them. For example, you are buying a product with an engraved name and you want the buyer to be able to provide that for each item. It doesn't look like the module would support this yet, but I am hoping that it does?

New Post
10/28/2009 3:30 PM

Currently the cart does not support this feature out of the box. This doesnt sound like a big deal to program, if you would like a quote on a customization please send an email to sales@smith-consulting.com. Thanks

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
10/29/2009 6:55 AM

To be honest this is not immediate functionality, we wouldn't need it until early next year. Do you have plans to add this as a feature in the future already or would it necessitate a custom change.

New Post
10/30/2009 9:26 AM
Accepted Answer 

this is not currently on the development list but we will add to our list of requests

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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