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7/15/2011 8:38 AM

We want to create coupons that offer a percentage discount only for the product(s) selected by the customer, but not for the entire transaction, which also includes a variant. For example, a customer might select three products priced at $50 each ($150), and three variants, priced at $25 each ($75), and  a handling fee of $20 is added, for a total order of $245). We would like the discount to apply only to the three products ($150), and not the variants or handling fee. How can we accomplish this? Thanks.

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7/15/2011 10:49 PM
Hi Armando,

Currently the Cart coupons are applied to either the total price the primary product or the Total order amount, which doesn't include the variants. For example, if you are selling Product A for $100 and it could also include variants a, b, and c which have a price adjustment of $25 and the user chooses all three variants making the total $175 and you issue a coupon for Product A for 20% off, the discount would be $20 off the Primary product "Product A" giving you a total of $155. The handling fee is then added separately at either the Product Level or in the Cart Settings.

Thanks, Kevin
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