HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartEncrypted URL adding encryption to back of productEncrypted URL adding encryption to back of product
New Post
8/31/2011 7:41 AM

Hi Guys,

Our client has a number of digital books they will be selling which we have uploaded as products. Yet, when we go through the process of buying a book, it looks like the encryption is appended to the back of the PDF like this:


Could you please let me know what might be causing this?


New Post
8/31/2011 8:08 AM
I've followed these instructions and tested variations thereof but this did not seem to work.

Auto Generate GUID – The auto generate guid provides additional security features for preventing piracy of your downloadable products. When this checkbox is checked the cart will automatically generate a unique GUID and add the GUID to the end of the download url.

Auto Generate GUID Example:
Download URL: http://www.mydomain.com/somefolder/somepage.aspx?guidid=

When auto generate GUID is checked the download url generated by the cart will be the following:
New Post
8/31/2011 1:41 PM
Hi James,

Using the DNN file manager create a "Secure File System" folder to store your electronic products. The files within this directory will have .resources appended to the filename. The secure file system prevents hackers from downloading your soft goods directly using a browser as IIS and Asp.Net will not allow .resources files from being downloaded.

For more information and Step by Step instructions please see our Product Manual beginning at the bottom of page 128.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartEncrypted URL adding encryption to back of productEncrypted URL adding encryption to back of product