HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartv 4.52 - Primary phone number not showing in manage orders tablev 4.52 - Primary phone number not showing in manage orders table
New Post
8/31/2011 11:25 PM
Hi SC,

Cart version 4.52, DNN 6.0.1. Clean install.

In the ManageOrders1 table, the primary phone column is not listing the primary phone numbers. It is blank.

When you select an order and go to the ManageOrderDetail page, the primary phone number is there ok.

I verified this on your test portal some time ago (Kevin emailed me confirmation on July 10th this year), and was wondering if it will be fixed soon.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartv 4.52 - Primary phone number not showing in manage orders tablev 4.52 - Primary phone number not showing in manage orders table