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9/7/2011 9:22 AM



When checking the Auto Generate GUID option in the Downloadable Product Setup and adding ?guidid= at the download URL address end, the download link appearing in the donwload link (in the order details of MyAccount page) always shows zeros (ie http://SITE/portals/0/DownloadableProduct?guidid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).

The URL above is directly copied from the link available in the order details. It seems to be not encrypted, althought the 'Encrypt URL' option is checked (and the 'Encrypt URL' option is not documented at all in the user guide. There is just a section introducing GateKeeper Download manager).


I have modified the MyAccountManageOrders.ascx page to display the OrderDetailGUID column and it displays only zeros too.



Not the same problem - but is related to the order detail information displayed - Note that the WebServiceData field is NEVER displayed in the order details

See my post at http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forum...

New Post
9/7/2011 4:49 PM
Hi Rico,

I'm sorry but I do not receive the same results on our test portal, when clicking on the Download Now link in the Order details on the Confirmation Status page using the Auto Generate GUID and Encrypt URL features the URL does not appear either when you hover you mouse over the button and when clicking the button the download will start immediately without putting the file path in the browser's address bar. Also when viewing the source the following path will be shown: http://www9.smith-consulting.com/Portals/0/BizDirectoryTrial/Smith.DirectoryTrial-DNN5.zip?guidid=13f9b1fb-0b1a-40a5-82b6-04afd6019a09. To further encrypt the URL to the file you can use the Gatekeeper Download Manager which is a companion program developed to work with Smith Cart and provides additional levels of security for your electronic products, or the DNN file manager to create a "Secure File System" folder to store your electronic products. The files within this directory will have .resources appended to the filename.

Programming is looking into your other forum post about the WebServiceData field, and will reply shortly.

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