When checking the Auto Generate GUID option in the Downloadable Product Setup and adding ?guidid= at the download URL address end, the download link appearing in the donwload link (in the order details of MyAccount page) always shows zeros (ie http://SITE/portals/0/DownloadableProduct?guidid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
The URL above is directly copied from the link available in the order details. It seems to be not encrypted, althought the 'Encrypt URL' option is checked (and the 'Encrypt URL' option is not documented at all in the user guide. There is just a section introducing GateKeeper Download manager).
I have modified the MyAccountManageOrders.ascx page to display the OrderDetailGUID column and it displays only zeros too.
Not the same problem - but is related to the order detail information displayed - Note that the WebServiceData field is NEVER displayed in the order details
See my post at http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forum...