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11/3/2010 1:15 PM

The users manual for billing manager says to:

B. Customizing the Email Reminder
To customize the content of the email reminder to add your company logo, custom message, etc. you can modify the email html template “InvoiceEmailReminder.htm” located off your portal root directory in the /DesktopModules/SmithMerchantConsole folder.
The following email tokens are supported in the save cart email template:

problem... i don't have that folder, so where should the reminder template email go?

New Post
11/18/2010 2:29 PM

The folder the email template is in is actually /DesktopModules/SmithBillingManager . We updated the users manual, thanks for reporting it!


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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