HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...RazorCartRazorCartProperties in viewsetsProperties in viewsets
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4/20/2017 8:26 PM
I'm playing around with Razorcart's product slider's view sets, What would I use to pull the products description into the slider?

In regards to the model properties, these double curly braces are AngularJS Expressions (https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/expression) transferred from the MVC.Net model to the Client's AngularJS model. Using your browse's JS Console (Developer Tools) you can get all the properties,
for example:

angular.element('[ng-controller="listCtrl as list"]').scope().list
angular.element('[ng-controller="detailsCtrl as details"]').scope().details
angular.element('[ng-controller="sliderCtrl as slider"]').scope().slider
angular.element('[ng-controller="checkoutCtrl as checkout"]').scope().checkout
angular.element('[ng-controller="minicartCtrl as minicart"]').scope().minicart

See the following for the product description field
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...RazorCartRazorCartProperties in viewsetsProperties in viewsets