HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...RazorCartRazorCartError Calculating ShippingError Calculating Shipping
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1/10/2018 11:11 AM

Customers are receiving the following error message when they calculate shipping during checkout.

RazorCart Pipeline Action Failure ActionName Custom.MyCalculateShipping Ac 

RazorCart Pipeline Action Failure, ActionName: Custom.MyCalculateShipping() (ActionID: 1):The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at RazorCart.Core.Components.Shipping.UPS.GetNormalRates(Dictionary`2 storeConfig, ICollection`1 cartList, ShippingData shipInfo, Double CartWeight, String accessLicenseNumber, String myUserId, String myPassword) at RazorCart.Core.Components.Shipping.UPS.GetNewRates(Dictionary`2 storeConfig, ICollection`1 cartList, ShippingData shipInfo, Double weightTotal) at RazorCart.Core.Components.Shipping.ShippingCalculator.GetUPSRates(Dictionary`2 storeConfig, ICollection`1 cartList, ShippingData shipInfo, String weightUOE, Decimal weightTotal) at RazorCart.Core.ActionPipeline.CalculateShipping.Execute(VATContext context) at Integration.RazorCart.MyCalculateShipping.Execute(VATContext context) at RazorCart.Core.ActionPipeline.CalculatorPipeline.Execute(IOContext context) at RazorCart.Core.ActionPipeline.Pipeline.ExecuteActions(String[] actionNames, IOContext context)

Where using RazorCart v 1.3.4 on DNN 9.1.1. Shipping is setup for UPS shipping and a CustomShippingMethod.

Thanks for your assistance with this.

New Post
1/11/2018 1:51 PM
Did you make any changes to the viewset or the order integration pipeline? If so try rolling back your changes to see if that fixes the issue.
New Post
1/29/2018 12:14 PM
We deleted all viewsets, so that they are using the default viewsets. 

We are still receiving the following error message when trying to calculate shipping:

RazorCart Pipeline Action Failure ActionName CalculatorPipeline.CalculateS 

RazorCart Pipeline Action Failure, ActionName: CalculatorPipeline.CalculateShipping (ActionID: 2004):The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at RazorCart.Core.Components.Shipping.UPS.GetNormalRates(Dictionary`2 storeConfig, ICollection`1 cartList, ShippingData shipInfo, Double CartWeight, String accessLicenseNumber, String myUserId, String myPassword) at RazorCart.Core.Components.Shipping.UPS.GetNewRates(Dictionary`2 storeConfig, ICollection`1 cartList, ShippingData shipInfo, Double weightTotal) at RazorCart.Core.Components.Shipping.ShippingCalculator.GetUPSRates(Dictionary`2 storeConfig, ICollection`1 cartList, ShippingData shipInfo, String weightUOE, Decimal weightTotal) at RazorCart.Core.ActionPipeline.CalculateShipping.Execute(VATContext context) at RazorCart.Core.ActionPipeline.CalculatorPipeline.Execute(IOContext context) at RazorCart.Core.ActionPipeline.Pipeline.ExecuteActions(String[] actionNames, IOContext context)

At this point we are not able to receive orders or place phone orders. Please help.

New Post
1/29/2018 12:25 PM
I recommend downloading and installing the latest RazorCart 1.3.5 from the dnn store or our site. As always, make sure you install and test on your test site first before installing on your live site. Make sure you have a full backup of your live site before installing.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
1/29/2018 12:25 PM
And no we did not make any changes to the order integration pipeline.

We did hire Smith Consulting to create a CustomShipMethod to extend the pipeline action: CalculateShipping

Do we need to uninstall the dll for this extension?

New Post
1/29/2018 12:36 PM
Yes, try deleting the custom order integration pipeline dll from your \bin folder. Make sure you have a backup before deleting.
New Post
1/29/2018 1:12 PM
The latest build fixed the issue without having to uninstall the custom shipping extension.

But, now the custom shipping extension is not working correctly.

When we select the custom shipping option it does not get added to the total amount that is sent to PayPal. The correct total appears in the checkout screen and the make payment screen, but as soon as you are redirected to PayPal the total amount is incorrect.

For example, local delivery is 7.50. When that shipping option is selected the total amount shows the correct amount with the 7.50 shipping amount. We select PayPal and enter the billing information. Next, we click on Checkout and are presented with the Review page. The review page, again, displays the correct local delivery amount in the summary. When we click on Place Order and are redirected to PayPal the total amount is incorrect. What is sent to PayPal is the Total Amount with the shipping cost for UPS Ground shipping ($13). 

What do we need to do to fix this?

New Post
1/31/2018 12:03 PM
What version of RazorCart did we program the custom order integration pipeline for? Can you post the custom code so we can fix
New Post
2/1/2018 3:37 PM
Hello Dave,

I've sent you an email with the information you requested. Let me know if you need anything else.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...RazorCartRazorCartError Calculating ShippingError Calculating Shipping