Hi George,
Yes you can customize the admin screens, here's how:
- Create a folder "AdminConsole" in "/Portals/{ID}/RazorCart/Viewsets/"
- Copy the file "_ViewStart.cshtml" from "/DesktopModules/RazorCart/AdminConsole/Views" to the above location. Don't modify it unless if you also want to change the layout location to edit it!
- Create another folder "Order" and copy the file "Edit.cshtml" from "/DesktopModules/RazorCart/AdminConsole/Views/Order" into it.
- Edit the view file "Edit.cshtml" as needed. Add the html label and use @model.Order.UDF1 to populate that field.
- Recycle AppPool or you can click "Restart Application" from server icon in Admin-Console if you're logged in as a super user. This is needed to update the MVC view locations.
** Only the copied view files will be loaded from Portals folder, the rest will be loaded from the DesktopModules by default, also viewset files inside the Portals folder will not be lost during installation/upgrading.